Lock Screen Ads

CPM Model

Our Lock Screen ads will show full-screen ads on the lock screens of people who install our app. On average, a person unlocks their phone 40 times per day giving us prime ad real estate to show ads.

App Installs

Our Android app will be available in the Google Play store. Once downloaded, the user will be required to add their BSC address in order to activate the app. For now, the only category will be crypto, but in the future, the user will be able to select which category they wish to view ads in.

The app user will receive crypto in return for having the app installed. One percent of all token tax and 75% of the revenue of this campaign type will be pooled and distributed to the app users monthly. Our system will calculate how many days the app was live and payout accordingly.


Advertisers will upload a full-size image, select which category their ad is for, and add a link. Right now, the only category available will be crypto. Advertisers can bid on the CPM and launch their campaign to be shown on thousands of phones worldwide.

Last updated